how to dry age steak with a vacuum sealer

Are you looking for a new way to take your steak game up a notch? Look no further than dry ageing with a vacuum sealer. Dry ageing has long been the gold standard of tenderness and flavour, but it used to be something that only restaurants could do. Now, however, you can learn how to dry age steak with a vacuum sealer. From preparing the steak for dry ageing through vacuuming sealing it all the way until you know when it’s ready – we’ll show you everything there is to know about dry ageing steak with a vacuum sealer. So let’s get started on this journey together into deliciousness.

Table of Contents:

What is Dry Ageing?

Dry ageing is a process used to tenderise and enhance the flavour of beef. It involves storing cuts of steak in a temperature-controlled environment for an extended period of time, allowing them to age naturally. This method of ageing beef has been around for centuries and is still used by culinary experts today. It involves the utilisation of enzymes within the meat to degrade proteins, thereby leading to a more succulent texture and an intensified flavour. 

Unlike wet ageing (which involves vacuum sealing steaks for several weeks), dry ageing requires special equipment such as a refrigerator or cooler that can maintain temperatures between 33°F – 38°F (0°C – 3°C). A humidifier should also be added to keep humidity levels at around 85%. Additionally, some sort of rack system must be installed inside the fridge/cooler so that air can circulate freely around each cut of meat while they are being aged.

Next up, let’s look at what you need for dry ageing steak with a vacuum sealer.

Equipment Needed for Dry Ageing Steak at Home

a big chunck of pork

Dry ageing steak at home is a great way to get restaurant-quality flavour without the hefty price tag. To do it, you’ll need some specialised equipment. The most important piece of equipment for dry ageing steak is a vacuum sealer. Vacuum sealing helps keep out oxygen and moisture, which are both essential for preserving the meat while it ages. You’ll need a fridge that can hold temperatures in the 1-3°C range to ensure your steak doesn’t spoil during dry ageing. This temperature range will help ensure your steak doesn’t spoil or go bad during the dry ageing process.

You may also wish to consider procuring a specialised, airtight shelved receptacle tailored for dry ageing steaks; this will ensure that your beef is not in contact with each other during the maturing process. These containers typically have built-in fans that circulate air around the steaks, helping them age evenly on all sides.

Finally, you’ll require some sort of covering for your steaks prior to packing them in vacuum-sealed bags or containers – such as butcher paper or parchment paper. Butcher paper helps protect against bacteria growth while allowing enough airflow so that mould won’t form on the surface of your steak as it ages – something that could ruin its flavour if left unchecked. Make sure whatever type of paper you choose is food safe and free from chemicals like bleach or dyes which could contaminate your meat during storage.

Now let’s look into how to prepare your steak for the process.

How to Prepare the Steak for Dry Ageing

Before you begin the dry ageing process, it’s important to properly prepare your steak. This includes trimming fat and seasoning with salt and pepper.

Trimming Fat:

Start by trimming off any excess fat from the steak. Slice away any superfluous fat for a more enjoyable flavour when dry ageing; take care to only cut what is necessary, not into the steak itself. Gently employ a sharp blade or kitchen scissors, ensuring to not slice too profoundly into the steak.

Seasoning with Salt and Pepper:

salt and pepper

Once you have trimmed away all of the excess fat, season both sides of your steak generously with salt and pepper. Make sure that each side is evenly coated in order for maximum flavour absorption during the dry ageing process. You may also want to add other herbs or spices if desired; however, keep in mind that these will likely overpower some of the flavours developed through dry ageing over time, so use them sparingly.

Once you have the steak prepped and ready for dry ageing, it’s time to get started on vacuum sealing it.

How to Vacuum Seal the Steak for Dry Ageing

Vacuum sealing is an essential step in the dry ageing process for steak. It helps to ensure that your steak ages properly and keeps it safe from bacteria or other contaminants. Vacuum sealing helps maintain a consistent moisture level in the steak, which is essential for its flavour and texture.

a piece of pork being sealed

To begin, you will need a vacuum sealer and some plastic bags designed specifically for use with vacuum sealers. You can purchase these at most kitchen supply stores or online retailers. Once you have all of your supplies ready, place your steak on a cutting board or plate that fits inside the bag comfortably without touching any sides of the bag itself.

Carefully insert both ends of your vacuum sealer into each side of the opened end until fully inserted and secure them tightly shut with either clip provided by the manufacturer or rubber bands. Then, begin the vacuuming process to ensure an airtight storage environment in a refrigerator over time.

Once the power switch has been activated, wait a few seconds until the green light indicator appears, signifying that the machine has reached optimal temperature settings for successful operation. Press and firmly hold down on the start button located at the top centre panel of your device while ensuring no steam escapes from within its chamber. The vacuuming process usually takes approximately 30-45 seconds depending on what type of model is being used (ejector vs non ejector). Finally, remove your steaks once you have completed this cycle to ensure all air is removed completely leaving behind only fresh-smelling delicious cuts ready for ageing.

Once the steak is sealed in its vacuum-tight pouch, it’s time to contemplate for how long you’d like to age it – whether a few days or multiple weeks. With the right technique and knowledge, dry ageing can bring out amazing flavours and textures in your steak that are sure to impress.

Key Takeaway: A key takeaway from the above is that vacuum sealing your steak for dry ageing can help to ensure a safe, flavorful, and consistent product. It also helps to keep moisture levels in check for optimal results.


So how to dry age steak with a vacuum sealer? With the right equipment and preparation, you can dry age your steak with a vacuum sealer in just a few days. Trying out the process of dry ageing steak with a vacuum sealer may appear daunting initially, yet once you’ve mastered it, you’ll be able to savour scrumptious steaks that will surely wow your companions and family. So don’t wait any longer – give it a try today and see for yourself why dry-ageing steak with a vacuum sealer is so popular.

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