how to store a hedge trimmer

Storing a hedge trimmer can be tricky, especially if you don’t know what to do. But with the right tips and tricks, it’s possible to store your hedge trimmer safely and securely – so that when spring rolls around again, it’ll still work as well as new. In this blog post, we’ll explain how to store a hedge trimmer properly, from preparing it for storage, finding an appropriate space for it in your home or garden shed and protecting the blades from damage over winter. Plus some handy maintenance tips too – because even when not in use there are certain things you should keep doing during storage periods. So let’s start!

Table of Contents:

Preparing Your Hedge Trimmer for Storage

It’s valuable to properly prepare your hedge trimmer for storage, as it will help ensure that it remains in good condition and is ready to use when you need it. To do this, you should clean and oil the blades before putting them away. Here are some tips on how to do this safely and effectively:

Cleaning Your Hedge Trimmer Blades

Before storing your hedge trimmer, make sure that all dirt and debris have been removed from the blades. This can be done with a soft brush or cloth dampened with warm soapy water. Make sure not to use any harsh chemicals or abrasive materials as these could damage the blades. Once cleaned, dry off the blades thoroughly before moving on to the next step of oiling them.

Oiling Your Hedge Trimmer Blades

the man checking the equipment

Oiling your hedge trimmer’s blades helps keep them lubricated while in storage which prevents rusting and other damage caused by moisture buildup over time. Use a lightweight machine oil such as 3-in-1 Oil or WD40 for best results; simply spray a small amount onto each blade, then wipe off any excess with a rag or paper towel until they shine like new again. Be careful not to overdo it though – too much oil can attract dust particles which could clog up the motor when you go to use it later on down the line.

Before storing your hedge trimmer, make sure it is clean and properly lubricated. This will help to ensure that it is in the best condition when you come to use it again. Now let’s look at finding a suitable storage space for your hedge trimmer.

Finding a Suitable Storage Space

When it comes to finding a suitable storage space for your hedge trimmer, the best option is usually a shed or garage. These locations provide protection from the elements and keep your equipment away from children and pets. They also offer plenty of room for other garden tools and supplies.

Sheds are great because they can be locked up when not in use, which helps protect against theft or vandalism. Plus, you can store multiple items in one place without having to worry about them getting wet or damaged by rain or snow. If you don’t have access to an outdoor shed, consider storing your hedge trimmer inside a closet or cabinet indoors instead.

Garages are another popular choice for storing garden tools like hedge trimmers since they typically have more space than sheds do and offer some level of protection from the weather as well as animals and pests that may try to get into your home through open windows or doors. Make sure there’s enough ventilation so moisture doesn’t build up inside the garage over time—otherwise, rust could start forming on metal parts of your tool if left unchecked.

If neither of these options works for you, then consider investing in a waterproof cover specifically designed for outdoor power equipment such as hedge trimmers. This will help protect against dust accumulation while keeping out any critters that might otherwise find their way into sensitive areas like motors and wiring systems on electric models. Just make sure it fits snugly around all components before putting it away.

Finding the right storage space for your hedge trimmer is essential to ensure its longevity and safety. With that in mind, let’s look at how you can protect it from damage when not in use.

Key Takeaway: When storing a hedge trimmer, consider a shed or garage for protection from the elements and potential theft. Alternatively, use a waterproof cover to protect against dust accumulation and critters.

Protecting Your Hedge Trim From Damage

When it comes to protecting your hedge trimmer from damage while in storage, there are a few simple steps you can take. The first is to make sure that the area where you plan on storing it is dry and free of moisture. Moisture can cause rusting or corrosion which could lead to serious damage over time. If possible, try to store your hedge trimmer indoors in an area with low humidity levels.

If you do need to store your hedge trimmer outdoors, then be sure to cover it with a tarp or protective case before doing so. This will help keep out dust and dirt as well as protect against rain and other elements that may cause damage over time. It’s also important not to leave any tools such as blades exposed when covering the machine – this could lead to accidental injury if someone were to come into contact with them without realising they were there.

Another way of protecting your hedge trimmer during storage is by using a lubricant spray on all moving parts before putting it away for long periods of time. This will help prevent rusting or sticking due to lack of use and ensure everything runs smoothly when next used again after being stored away for some time.

Finally, always remember the importance of proper maintenance and how much easier it makes things in the long run. Make sure to clean off any debris from the blade after each use and ensure all nuts/bolts are tightened securely before packing away for storage – this will save you from having any unpleasant surprises when you next take out your trusty old hedger.

By taking the proper precautions to protect your hedge trimmer from damage, you can ensure it will last for years to come. Now let’s look at how to maintain your hedge trimmer during storage.

Key Takeaway: Protect your hedge trimmer from damage during storage by: 1. Storing it in a dry, low-humidity area indoors. 2. Covering with a tarp or protective case outdoors. 3. Lubricating all moving parts before storing them away for long periods of time. 4. Cleaning debris and tightening nutsbolts after each use for proper maintenance.

Maintaining Your Hedge Trimmer During Storage

Maintenance is key. Keeping your hedge trimmer in good condition during storage will help ensure that it’s ready for use when you need it. Here are some tips on how to maintain your hedge trimmer during storage:

Check Regularly:

It’s important to check the condition of your hedge trimmer regularly while in storage. Look for signs of rust or corrosion and make sure all moving parts are lubricated properly so they don’t seize up over time.

Clean Thoroughly:

man working on the bush

Before putting away a hedge trimmer, make sure to clean off any dirt or debris from its blades and body using a damp cloth and mild detergent if necessary. This will help prevent damage caused by dirt buildup over time as well as reduce the risk of rusting or corrosion due to moisture accumulation on metal surfaces.

It is important to store your hedge trimmer in an area that is free from direct sunlight, high humidity levels, extreme temperatures or other environmental factors such as dust particles. If not taken care of properly now, these can clog up small openings like air vents or exhaust ports, leading to engine failure down the line.

Use Covers and Bags:

Investing in protective covers/bags designed specifically for outdoor power equipment can also go a long way towards protecting against environmental elements while keeping dust out too. These items usually come with drawstrings at the top allowing them easily fit snugly around whatever item needs covering – perfect for those looking for extra security when storing their tools outdoors (or even indoors.) between uses.

FAQs in Relation to How to Store a Hedge Trimmer Properly

How do you keep hedge clippers from rusting?

To keep hedge clippers from rusting, it is important to clean and dry them after each use. Wipe down the blades with a cloth or brush to remove any dirt or debris. Then, apply a light coating of oil such as WD-40 or vegetable oil to protect against moisture and oxidation. Finally, store the clippers in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Regular maintenance will help ensure your hedge clippers remain rust-free for years to come.

How do you store a strimmer in a shed?

Storing a strimmer in a shed is easy. First, make sure the area you plan to store it in is clean and dry. Next, if possible, use a wall-mounted hook or bracket to hang the strimmer off the ground. This will help protect it from dirt and moisture while also freeing up floor space. If this isn’t an option, place your strimmer on a shelf or rack that has been lined with plastic sheeting for extra protection against dust and dampness. Finally, cover your strimmer with a waterproof tarpaulin or heavy-duty plastic bag before closing the shed door to keep out any pests or debris that may damage it over time.


Preparing the trimmer, finding a suitable storage space, protecting it from damage and maintaining its condition during storage are all important steps that should be taken before putting away your hedge trimmer. By following these simple tips on how to store a hedge trimmer, you can ensure that your tool will remain in great shape and be ready to go whenever you need to store a hedge trimmer again.

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